Discover our 5 essentials to dare our French Organic Gin
Among the many spirits you can find on the market, there is but one that stands out the most: Gin. It started as an eau-de-vie made from molasses flour and various cereals such as corn or barley, now this drink takes on its full meaning when spices, herbs and aromatics are added during the maceration process. In reality, it is mainly the juniper berries that set gin apart. Thus, it is with its feet in the Atlantic and its eyes watching the bees foraging, that Melifera is committed to creating an artisanal gin while preserving biodiversity. A mixture of elegance and authenticity, the Charentaise brand relies on important values to stand out. To be served chilled to create an original aperitif or explosive cocktails, the French Organic Gin has everything to seduce high-end spirit lovers. We’ll give you 5 essential reasons to try it and adopt it!
A Unique French Bio Gin ©Melifera
1) French Organic Gin Melifera: 100 % Biological
Melifera is the pioneer of artisanal biological gin that aims to protect biodiversity. The brand, from the start, wanted to turn itself to respectful agricultural practices to create a high-end biological alcohol.
Established on the Atlantic coast, Melifera fully integrated since the beginning, coastal protection in its project. Indeed, the local company quickly became aware of the irreversible impacts of modern consummation patterns, such as plastic waste, among others, too present in our oceans.
More than a moral responsibility, Melifera completely commits to its choice to offer an organic Gin.
Discover our environmentally friendly French gins
A French Organic Gin, what is this exactly at Melifera ?
- Gin made from meticulously selected organic wheat.
- Immortelle flowers grown without pesticides in our fields on the island of Oleron and protected by the Natura 2000 Plan.
- Strong link to the land and local actors.
- Strong desire to preserve biodiversity.
- Commitment with the Black Bee Conservatory in Oleron to protect the species.
- Eco-grazing as a mean of maintenance around organic plots.
- A specialist in sustainable sectors specially recruited by the company.
- A garden cultivated in agroecology.
Agroecology and French Organic Gin: Did you know?
Agroecology brings together all agricultural practices that respect the environment and ecosystems. In the same way, it aims to maintain a lasting cohesion between production and the preservation of natural resources. It also places nature at the center of an entire ecological production system by focusing on its natural capacities for regeneration. See, Melifera’s organic French gin is much more than just an organic gin!
2) 100 % Made in France for a recognized French Organic Gin
At Melifera, we rely on the quality of a local gin-based aperitif. Our immortelle-based spirit drink took on its full meaning in the sandy lands of Charente-Maritime, on the island of Oleron. It is here that collaborating with real local actors appeared as an obvious choice to produce our original spirit.
Why ?
For multiple reasons :
- Anchoring our core values of sustainable and local development.
- Contributing to the economic growth of the island.
- Knowing the farmers, their methods, their visions.
- Highlighting local and underrated aromatic plants.
- Relying on the expertise of specialists in sustainable development.
- Working with various organizations and associations.
- Building strong and sincere relationships with local partners who know and cherish their lands.
There you have it, the spirit of Melifera.
In short, Melifera is committed to making an authentic organic French gin, working for long term goals, by collaborating hand in hand with local figures who share the same values.
Looking for strong emotions through the quality of Made in France? Discover our two French spirits:
- Organic Atlantic Gin with delicate scents of the ocean and dunes.
- Corsican Edition Gin with organic immortelle from the island of beauty.
3) French Organic Gin : craftsmanship above all
Ahh the sweet scents of the dunes subtly mixed with the strong scent of iodine. It is from these very olfactory triggers the organic French gin Melifera was born. A few saline notes, slightly spicy; sprinkled with floral aromas, scents of Atlantic pine forests, and voila. Only thing missing: the immortelle flower.
This is what makes the secret of this aromatic artisanal drink, sometimes prized for gin-based aperitifs, sometimes gifted for Father’s Day.
At Melifera, creating an organic and local gin sums up to this:
- Planting done by local market gardeners.
- Harvesting done by hand, with the use of a billhook.
- Ancestral distillation in Charente-Maritime.
- Bottle with innovative painting and decoration in meticulously chosen custom colors.
The most important aspect for Melifera in the development of its organic trendy gin lies in respecting the principles of local craftsmanship. The protection of the environment in its entirety aligns with the philosophy of the brand.

An artisanal French bio gin ©Melifera
Discover our French bio gins made by hand
French artisanal Melifera gin: two ways of enjoying it
- Atlantic Gin: made of gin, organic immortelle flower from Oleron, angelica liquor, glasswort, and champagne
- Corsican Gin: made of gin, organic immortelle flower from Corsica, juniper berries, myrtle, cistus, cade, thyme, and rosemary.
Whichever one you pick, let the emotions transport you across oceans.
4) A sustainable commitment through our French Organic Gin
What would an aromatic organic gin be without a strong commitment to biodiversity?
Beyond the brand, there is a deep-rooted desire to do things right. To achieve this, Melifera knows how to surround itself with local actors who are committed and who share of the same values.
To put the odds in their favor, Melifera did not hesitate to recruite a person in charge of the biodiversity and sustainable sectors. A major effort for the small company, which plays a huge role in the respect of its ecological and sustainable commitment.
Through local and targeted actions, Melifera fully assumes its environmental positions to design an exceptional organic French gin.
- Creation of “Espace Melifera”: Showcase of the brand on the island of Oleron and agricultural production site with the aim of creating environmental awareness.
- Coastal protection: stabilization of dunes and preservation of coastal landscapes.
- Safeguarding the wild immortelle of the dunes: it is forbidden to collect it.
- Personal immortelle plantations specially dedicated to the production of organic gin for Melifera.
- Protection of the black bee.
- Partnership with the Black Bee Conservatory in Oleron (CANO) and the community of municipalities.

A sustainable French Organic Gin ©Melifera
Discover all our news about our French gins
Our Organic French Gin, committed to the black bee
To design a spirit that respects the environment, Melifera takes it upon itself to preserve biodiversity even more.
The brand partakes in the protection of the black bee, the only bee species present on the island of Oleron up until a few years ago.
True protagonists in our ecosystems thanks to their role as pollinators, the black bees are now at the center of attention of many ecological actors. The idea is to preserve them while fully letting them integrate it in their natural role.
Melifera has founded a partnership of choice with the Oleron black bee conservatory. The brand’s approach includes the reintroduction of the black bee, but also the financing of tests to fight against over-colonization by other species, such as the Asian hornet.
A French Organic Gin buzzing with great environmental values, did you doubt it?
5) Organic Melifera French Gin: an explosive mix
For an original spirit made in France, Melifera has definitely found the right recipe.
- The authenticity of an organic alcohol produced by hand.
- The elegance of an exceptional bottle, engraved especially for the brand.
- A sustainable and significant commitment to the protection of biodiversity.
- An Innovative composition with organic immortelle flower.
In addition, gin lovers will find their happiness through other equally delicate ingredients:
- Juniper.
- Maceron.
- Artemisia.
- Absinthe.
- Angelique.
- Marshmallow.
- Comfrey.
There you have it, you now have 5 undeniable reasons to try Melifera’s organic French gin! An essential blend of emotions, subtle yet explosive ingredients, to convince you to adopt this original spirit made in France.

An explosive French Organic Gin ©Melifera