The five senses of the immortelle flower and its multiple virtues
Golden flowers and silver foliage. Tenacious curry-like perfume… This is with certainty an immortelle flower. This plant, reputed for its many virtues, also has the power to elicit emotions. Emotions anchored in forgotten memories, source of unending inspiration, specifically for the Melifera gin creators. From the immortelle flower’s origins to its virtues, take a stroll with the one and only, the flower who awakens our five senses.
An unforgettable sensorial journey at the heart of the immortelle territory
It all started with a short escapade on the wild coast, somewhere in the Atlantic, on a summer day. Facing the ocean, its colors dancing with the waves. Green, gray, blue and white. White like the foam formed by the crashing of the waves on the shore. And gold. Gold form the sand’s glitter that shimmers under the summer sun. In the horizon, the lighthouse, standing tall and straight, a guardian of time and this landscape we cannot get enough of. On top of that, the laughs. Your childrens’ and friends’ laughs that testify the pure joy felt in such moments.

The immortelle, a perfume
A last glance at the lighthouse, the sea and its golden light. It’s time to leave. The sun-gorged sand slightly burning your feet as you make you way up the dune…It is at this moment, before even seeing the immortelle flower, that you are enveloped by the immortelle’s olfactory imprint. A unique scent, perfect marriage between spicy and floral notes, dominated by curry, but also aromas of iodine, pine trees and warm sand. An even more powerful scent when the plant is heat infused.
See, hear, and touch the immortelle flower
She is here, decorating the path, in small silver bouquets toped with delicate yellow toned flowers. A single blow of the wind to make the flowers sing in unison. As you get closer, you notice in more details this perennial plant. It is hard to resit the desire to pluck it from the soil, to not deteriorate the natural state of these dunes she protects. Picking it in its wild date is prohibited. So, we caress it ever so delicately, for the pleasure of smelling its perfume which lingers on our fingers
A desire to taste the immortelle
This aromatic plant and its very fine taste knows how to awaken your taste buds (without consuming it, as it is indigestible). A twig gives a flavor close to curry to steamed vegetables or fish, and the leaves uplift a rotisserie chicken that you can enjoy with friends or family on your return from the beach. In a bouquet of dried flowers, the beautiful immortals bring back the memory of those moments of shared happiness, those that will remain forever.
It is this exact sensorial journey Melifera tried to recreate in its Gin, a mix of smells, colors, memories and emotions…

The immortelle flower or Helichrysum, a legendary flower
Little trip back in time. Since Greek mythology, the immortelle flower or Helichrysum (golden sun in Greek) created its own story based of its magical powers of immortality and incredible virtues. If the God Apollo made his crowns out of it, the princess Nausicaa daughter of the
Phaeacians, who was the first to highlight its medicinal properties and anti-oxidant virtues. Reputed for her beauty, Nausicaa took care of her skin daily with immortelle flowers. In the Odyssey, she uses this long-life elixir to mend Odysseus’ wounds. Napoleon himself, also cherished this flower who crowned the best. At sea, the emperor could tell he was approaching a Corsican island by smelling the flower form his boat. Another legend is that of Alienor of Aquitaine, which tells its story through our bottle. It is told this queen would have braided her crown of immortelle flowers, symbol of spiritual wealth, and fertility to celebrate her union with Henri Plantagenêt
A flower with many benefits
Today, the Helichrysum is not done revealing her benefits. Essential oils, cremes, lotions, inhalations, infusions or even floral water are all forms that make it possible to release all the properties of the immortelle flower: anti-hematoma (the most powerful known natural anti-hematoma that works wonders against physical trauma), anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal … Its exceptional anti-wrinkle properties facilitate the healing of the skin (wrinkles, insect bites, superficial burns …) and relieves psoriasis. It is recommended for its protective and detoxifying actions on the liver. It also helps relieve stress and regain good mood. So much for the basics. When we tell you that the immortal flower is a magician, we are not lying!
For Melifera, the greatest power of the immortelle
For Melifera, the immortelle flower’s greatest power is that of “triggering emotions.” Awakening each of the five senses, leaving an imprint, reviving
blissful memories of holidays, dunes and the ocean, particularly on the island of Oleron where its gin draws its identity. All the inspiration for Melifera’s premium gin lies there. A splendid promise that is expressed in each tasting through the balance of a fragrance and flavor unique to immortelle flower.
* Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.